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Any friendship, romantic relationship, work, simple communication begins with an acquaintance. It is very difficult to establish strong contact with a person you do not know.

It is the first communication with a girl that forms your impressions of each other. Therefore, this stage must pass without errors.

If you have an innate sense of tact, the right manners, charisma and oratorical skills, then it will be very easy for you to meet people. But not all men can boast of such skills, and if you want to know how to get acquainted with date vegan girl, go to the site.

It is for those who do not know or do not understand how to get to know a girl that I decided to prepare a simple guide to winning women’s hearts at the first meeting.

As you know, the first meeting is a very exciting and stressful event. Even the very thought of a possible rejection causes shock and fear. Because of this, many men refuse dating girls and relationships for a long time.

Few manage to overcome themselves and their fears in this matter. I believe that the blame for this whole development of events is precisely the inexperience and ignorance of the basic rules when meeting young ladies.

In fact, dating beautiful strangers is very easy. You don’t need to be an experienced pick-up artist to do this, although they once started out just like you.

About this and much more will be my advice, which was created based on my personal experience and research of professional psychologists and sexologists.


We live in a period of technological progress, where you can even work by phone. Gadgets have taken a big place in our lives. It would be strange if someone did not come up with dating on smartphones or computers. Fortunately, this happened a long time ago.

Since the start of dating sites, many couples have been created, with subsequent marriage. Of course, there were also such relationships that ended in a breakup, but this is a completely different story.

Dating sites and apps get the job done, developers are constantly improving platforms and taking into account the wishes of users. Everything that happens after is a private matter of a man and a woman, to which the applications have nothing to do.

Previously, such acquaintances were treated with suspicion and condemnation. But time has passed, a new advanced generation of people has grown up who actively use the Internet to find relationships.

Below are some tips to help you learn how to meet a girl online. These include:


Before you start looking for your chosen one, you need to decide on the site or application on which registration will be made.

On such platforms, there are always a lot of girls looking for men. And this means that they are all disposed to acquaintances. This is very good for you, because the chance to create a relationship increases.

Each site and application is looking for young ladies according to the parameters that you want to find. Some platforms may show suitable candidates nearby due to location determination. The only drawback is that some sites and applications are paid. Although it is not at all necessary to invest money to strike up communication. Usually, a fee is required to view those who «like» you. You can do without this feature, the main thing is to have free messages and view suitable candidates.

Popular places for dating on the Internet: Mamba (not recommended), Badoo (for finding women over 30), Vkontakte (you can find any girl here), Facebook (mostly girls from the business community), Tinder (an excellent application for finding a partner on night). All of them can be installed on the phone and always be in touch with girls from dating sites and applications.


Your profile is your face on the Internet. It is by its content that a person will be judged when meeting on the Internet. Therefore, I think you understand that your profile should be bright and attractive.

Be sure to fill out all the information about yourself, do not forget about the merits and those qualities that distinguish you from other guys.

Pay special attention to the avatar. Find a good photo and upload it to your website or app. If you do not have good photos, contact photo salons for help.

Remember that you do not need ID photographs. On your avatar you should be real, sincere, cheerful and «alive». Looking at your photo, a girl should understand that she would like to be next to such a man.

You should not expose other people’s pictures or photos of many years ago. I think it will be unpleasant for you, too, if not a smart young lady comes to the meeting, but her 40-year-old version. You shouldn’t start your relationship with cheating. Moreover, why hide yourself and pass off as someone else? If a girl wants to be real with you, then you do not have to pretend all the time and spend your nerves and energy on deception.

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